

In English this week

June 13th 2023

Anna-Lee Gager wrote an extremely impressive creative writing assessment using an image from Romeo and Juliet as the focus. Here is an extract from it:

“This is the biggest event of the year. This is my chance.

“ I adjusted my tie and shifted my fingers through my silky-smooth hair, brushing away any stray strands. No one could know that it was me. I knew he would be here - I had to see him. I had to find answers. The thought of finding the truth gave me hope. I clutched my chest and sighed. Hastily, I strapped on a dark, ornate mask; it was decorated with delicate patterns. I could hardly breathe through it; my own breath was suffocating me as the inside of my mask slowly became unbearably humid.

“I’m surprised," I scoffed. “I almost pass off as rich."

The tight suit felt cumbersome on my shoulders. Muffled sounds of jaunty music echoed through the miniscule crack of the door. The smell of alcohol waded through the air. As soon as I opened the door, I was stunned.

The party was alive and certainly abuzz. Men and women glided like swans across the floor; hand in hand, they drifted in unison. I was mesmerised, but I did not have the time to flaunt around. Although, I did want a quick drink. I attempted to act far richer than I was (although I am still quite decently wealthy) by swiping a few of the decorative ornaments around the party (flowers, minute finger sandwiches and a silky, velvet cloth). That should do it. I slid like a serpent to the bartender - he jolted to and fro behind the counter, craftily preparing mouth -watering drinks. He was a machine, never getting tired, not even stopping for a brief moment.

“One cocktail, please,“

I paused.

“Actually, how about we make that two, hm? “

I searched my pockets for some spare cash and some coins to give as a tip. Although, after thinking for a while, I knew that he would beg me for one. The bartender dashed over to the side to prepare the beverages. I gazed intently while he poured in the liquid. “Here you go, sir, thank you very much for the generous tip! It will be used for a good cause, I assure you. “I could not fathom his speed and accuracy, even during a conversation.

“No need. “

Unexpectedly, the bartender stopped for a split second and stared deeply into my dark, empty eyes.

“Who’s the second drink for? You gonna drink it all yourself? No, no, you wouldn’t… “

He was sweet, but not sweet enough that I could trust him with my secret. I hesitated, but my heart ached with the longing and dread to get it off my chest. It has been 4 years.

“No one sir. “

Silently, I slunk away. No one could know what truly happened. About him. About my past..

I got rid of Daniel Stene years ago.

I pushed up my mask to breathe. It felt chilling on my skin, freeing me from the hot, uncomfortable prison of the mask. I took a long taste of the cocktail - it tasted far more bitter than last time - it made me wince as the taste burned deep in my throat as fiery as flame. I noticed a grand door leading to the garden of the manor. Opening the door, memories flashed in my mind, like a lightning strike. The garden stretched out for miles. Groves of trees and wildflowers bloomed wildly in vibrant shades of violet and sun-soaked yellows. Dew rested on each blade of grass which was carefully cut to perfection; they swayed in the cool, summer breeze. The sweet scent of fullygrown lilies and daffodils calmed my nerves. In the centre of this haven, a shallow pond lay still, occasionally forming ripples in the water from falling seeds and buds from flowers descending to Earth like angels. This was my heaven. I placed my mask beside me and swallowed the rest of my drink.