
Year 7

“The dream makes the difference!”

I am honoured to be representing our new Year 7 students as their Achievement Team Leader for this upcoming school year. At the heart of this role is academic achievement, and I am excited to help nurture and develop our new and eager pupils as they begin their journey here in Cecil Jones Academy.

The leap from primary to secondary school can seem intimidating, but there is no need to worry as our dedicated team made up of myself, our fantastic Year Care Team and amazing form tutors are here to aid that transition.  We pride ourselves on ensuring that our students are encouraged to fulfil their true potential and strive to achieve great things while in and out of school.

The first step to a successful first year in Cecil Jones is coming in on time and being fully prepared. Maintaining good attendance supports learning. Students with good attendance generally achieve more and are happier at school. Just to put it into perspective, a 90% attendance is the equivalent of missing 20 school days of the year. That is 100 lessons and 100 missed chances to earn an achievement point, which opens the door to invitations to trips and rewards through our bespoke achievement competitions between our year 7 tutor groups.

At Cecil Jones Academy, we believe in encouraging students to earn ‘Positive Achievement Points’ through a variety of different means. This can include….

  • Producing high quality work in lessons.
  • Producing exceptional homework.
  • Working hard to provide positive contributions to lessons and the general school environment.
  • Demonstrating good manners and respect to all staff and peers.
  • Being punctual to school and to lessons.

As a Parent/Carer, you should expect that communication to and from home remains open and consistent throughout the year in order to keep you informed of your child’s development. Your support and engagement is vital in ensuring attendance, punctuality, and a positive behaviour of learning from our students. As part of a shared responsibility towards the development of all students, we ask that parents also monitor the completion of homework and check and sign the homework planner every week. Alongside this, hardworking students will also be rewarded with positive phone calls home, certificates and raffle tickets to trade for prizes.

Students of Cecil Jones Academy follow the school’s Code of Conduct. Students of Cecil Jones Academy take pride in the way they treat each other, and strive to achieve great things while in and out of school. Students of Cecil Jones Academy push themselves to their fullest potential and are successful by following our school motto of “in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing”.

As Achievement Team Leader, it is my responsibility to be accountable for the attainment and progress of all students in the year group. Students will earn the chance to be invited to trips and rewards through the accumulation of their positive achievement points. This is achieved by being part of the supportive, nurturing and adaptive learning community curated for them here at Cecil Jones Academy. Students should expect to see me every day ensuring they are upholding our school’s high expectations and to support where needed.

I am excited to begin your journey with you here in Cecil Jones Academy, and I look forward to getting to know all of you and ensure that this school year is filled with great success, incredible learning experiences and new friendships.

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any concerns or queries about your child’s progress via their Form Tutor, Miss Gill (ATL) or Miss Costello (YCT) and we will do our best to assist you as efficiently as possible.

Miss. M. Gill

Year 7 Achievement Team Leader
