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Accelerated Reader
The prized Bookworm badges are up for grabs again for our year 7 and year 8 students.
Students at Cecil Jones are reading avidly to attain their ‘Bookworm’ reading badges. As well as a school-wide ‘Drop Everything and Read’ session every Thursday afternoon, Year 7 and 8 students are on a rolling programme of taking Accelerated Reader quizzes month.
If you would like to take extra quizzes at home the AR link is;
Take the Accelerated Reader quizzes. - Use your username and password with the link - Click on Accelerated Reader - Type the name of your book/author into the search box. - Take the quiz
Accelerated Reader scheme
At Cecil Jones, we understand that reading affects all aspects of learning and we strive to create a positive culture of reading for our students. To support our pupils, we have a wide range of reading books available to borrow for a 28 day period that pupils can then test their knowledge on Accelerated Reader. Our library is frequently updated and pupils are able to vote for books that they would like to find in our library catalogue.
All Year 7 and Year 8 students take weekly reading tests on Accelerated Reader during PM registration. These tests help to give students a reading age and recommended reading level which will help them to progress with their literacy skills. This data is shared with students, parents and staff to ensure an understanding of levels and how we can assist students to become the best readers they can be. Book levels are displayed in our Library (Learning Resource Centre) and be viewed below.
Alongside testing we also combine a reward and success system which recognises personal targets and inter-tutor competition. When students have finished reading a book they can take a quiz on it, if they pass the quiz the word count of that book is added to their word count total. Totals are updated weekly and students can also check their own progress in their account. If pupils are in-between reads and have not finished reading a book, they are able to read a variety of articles, on topics such as “is the world running out of chocolate”. After the quiz they are able to complete a test, very similarly to the test taken about a book pupils have read. If they score 100% in the article test then they will increase their word count.
Top Readers from each form are celebrated in weekly updates as well as which Tutor has the most increased word count.
Individual badge winners are updated regularly to help us show recognition for all their hard work and progress as a Reading Champion! These can be found towards the back of the weekly school newsletters. These can be found on the school’s website.
Word Count Prizes:
- 250,000 – Certificate
- 500,000 – Bronze Bookworm Badge and Certificate
- 1 Million – Silver Bookworm Badge and Certificate
- 2 Million – Gold Bookworm Badge and Certificate
- 3 Million – Golden Owl Badge and Certificate
- 4 Million – A Choice of Book for the Library
One Year 7 student says
"I love our drop everything and read tutor time because I love reading. I enjoy learning new things and being in another world. The quizzes are really fun and I can't wait to get my bookworm badge"
First Week Of Reading Buddies September 2024
Some Year 12 and 10 pupils have been selected to be reading buddies for our new Year 7 pupils.
Accelerated Reader Timetable
AR Timetable – Academic Year 2024 to 2025
Year 7 |
Form |
Room |
Day |
7C |
ICT1 |
Tuesday |
7E |
ICT2 |
Wednesday |
7I |
ICT3 |
Wednesday |
7L |
Tuesday |
7J |
MFL1 |
Tuesday |
7O |
Wednesday |
7N |
ICT1 |
Wednesday |
Year 8 |
Form |
Room |
Day |
8C |
ICT1 |
Monday |
8E |
ICT2 |
Monday |
8I |
ICT3 |
Monday |
8L |
Monday |
8J |
MFL1 |
Monday |
8O |
ICT2 |
Tuesday |
8N |
ICT3 |
Tuesday |
Accelerated reader competition
Accelerated Reader
Year Group Totals so far...
Year 7 have read - 36,039,658
Year 8 have read - 37,413,343
2024 - 2025 Archive
January 2025
December 2024
Year 7 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 8 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 7 Accelerated Reader PosterYear 8 Accelerated Reader Poster
November 2024
Year 7 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 8 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 7 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 8 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 7 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 8 Accelerated Reader Poster
September 2024
Year 7 Accelerated Reader Poster
Year 8 Accelerated Reader Poster