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BackAt Cecil Jones Academy we aim to deliver PSCHE through tutor times. The aim is to ensure that the PSCHE programme helps students to lead confident, healthy and resilient lives both as individuals and as members of the wider community while developing their spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.
PSCHE gives students the opportunities to reflect on their experiences and how they are developing. It helps them to understand and responsibly manage a wide range of relationships as they get older and to show respect for diversity and differences between people.
Through work in lesson time and a wide range of activities beyond the curriculum, including outside speakers, students gain practical knowledge and skills to help them live healthy lives and to deal with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues they face as they approach adulthood. Sex and relationship education is taught to all students at key stages throughout the year. Students are also aware of current issues in the news and PSCHE in the school adapts to ensure all topics are relevant and up to date for each year group. As a result, PSCHE seeks to help students to:
- Develop confidence, independence, responsibility and a socially moral identity
- Make the most of their abilities, in school and in the outside world
- Develop healthy, safe lifestyles and friendships
- Develop good relationships and to respect the differences between people
- Develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to become effective and active members of their community
Click here to view PSCHE Overview 2024-25Exemplar units that are followed in various year group are:
Year 7 – The importance of happiness; FGM; What makes a good friend; Managing friendships; Transitions in life; Staying safe online; Effects of Rudeness and social media; Personal hygiene; What is puberty?; Puberty in boys, Puberty in girls; Menstruation and FGM; Physical health and wellbeing; Multicultural Britain; Prejudice and discrimination; UK citizens’ rights and responsibilities; Islamophobia and Hate crime; Homophobia; Online safety and trolling; Exploring British Values; Personal skills and qualities; Careers and your future; Career exploration and jobs; Breaking down Stereotypes; Proud to be me; Respect and relationships; Positivity and respect in relationships; Finance and budgeting; Saving and managing money; Fair trade; Consumer rights and responsibilities.
Year 8 – Drugs and classifications; Different types of addiction; Alcohol; Substance Abuse; Vaping / E-Cigarettes / Cannabis, Energy Drinks; Drug and Alcohol Safety; FGM; Resilience and growing up; Emotional health and wellbeing; Emotional wellbeing; Eating disorders; Self-Harm; What is identity?; Equality Act and discrimination; Prejudice and Discrimination; LGBTQ+ – What is it? ; Transphobia and Transgender; What is Brexit?; Understanding the workplace; Jobs and occupations explored; Employment rights and responsibilities; Women’s rights and equality; Equality act and discrimination; Keeping data safe online, CSE and online protection; Online grooming and staying safe online; Social media and its impacts on young people; Online gambling and gaming; Critical thinking and fake news.
Year 9 – Managing Friendships; Avoiding gangs and criminals; Knife Crime and Safety; Preventing knife crime; Peer on Peer abuse; County Lines – What is it? ; County lines – who is at risk?; Health and wellbeing; Body image and appearance; Healthy eating and obesity; Healthy eating and cholesterol; Instagram and snapchat; Sleep Hygiene and mental health; What is love?; Marriage – is it love?; Forced Marriage; Conflict and relationships; Domestic abuse and Violence; Love and Abuse – not the same thing; Making decision about KS4; Exploring different careers; Career traits and skills; Building community and the value of jobs; Qualifications and pathways; Career traits and skills; Personal branding; Online reputation and digital footprint; LMI (Labour Market Information); Career traits and characteristics; Exploring Pay slips; Employment rights and responsibilities.
Year 10 – Failure – Success (Target setting); Looking after health and wellbeing; Stress – Life events and sleep; Types of mental illness; Fears and Anxiety, Supporting / dealing with anxiety; Coping Strategies; What are drugs?; Marijuana, Alcohol, parties and bad choices; Volatile substance abuse; Psychotic substances; Festivals, parties and nitrous oxide; Consent and the Law; Respect, love and relationships; Exploring sexual orientation, Sexual Assault and relationships; Sexual harassment and tracking; The impact of Pornography; What is money?; Finance and budgeting; Saving and managing money; Targeted advertising and personal data; Online gambling and app purchases; Consumer rights; Finance, budget and Employment; Saving and managing money; Employment rights and responsibilities; Pay slips, Enterprise and employability; Diversity in the workplace.
Year 11 – Time Management; The importance of happiness; What is Mental Health?; Dealing with exam stress and anxiety; Stress and Performance; Stress Management; Revision skills – preparation for Mocks; What is cancer and how is it diagnosed?; Healthy lifestyle and cancer; Breast cancer and cervical cancer; Testicular and prostate cancer; Aesthetics and cosmetics; Organ and blood donation; The difference between love and abuse; Domestic Abuse; Sexual Harassment, Sexual Health and contraception; Bacterial and Viral STI/STD, STI’s/STD and clinics to get help; Post 16 choices and careers; SMART targets; Career exploration and jobs; Making Applications; CV writing; Interview preparation.
Year 12 – The impact of the media on our lives; Social media – validation and influence; Toxic and Positive masculinity; Body Image and the media; Free speech and Hate speech; Peer pressure; Targeted adverts and gambling; What are drugs? Class A drugs, Class A drugs – L2, Class B drugs, Class C Drugs and prescriptions; Drugs / festivals and Parties; What is love?; What are controlling relationships?; Tolerating intolerance; Date rape; STI’s and Sexual health clinics; Forced marriage; Work Ethic; Extracurricular activities for personal statements; Leadership skills; Problem solving; Personal branding; Plagiarism; Careers in core subjects (STEM); Apprenticeships; Applications; Employability, Researching different jobs, Personal Statements
Year 13 – Anxiety and Self Harm; Coping with stress and anxiety; Transitions in life (University); Living a healthy lifestyle; Forced Marriage; Healthy and unhealthy relationships; Domestic Violence, Gender and Identity (L1), Gender and Identity (L2), Cultural Appropriation; Cosmetic and Plastic surgery; Sub-Culture and Extremism; Extremism and its challenges; Forced Marriage; Contraception – revisited; Unplanned pregnancy and miscarriage; Honour violence / honour killings; Toxic and Unhealthy relationships; How to remove yourself from unhealthy relationships; Online presence and moving forward; Money and tax codes; Payday loans, Interest rates and savings; Managing your student loan; Social justice.
In Key Stages 3 and 4, these topics are covered in 15 minute sessions at the end of the day.
At Key Stage 5, these topics are covered in 15 minute sessions at the end of the day.
This is all done in the knowledge that Cecil Jones Academy produces happy, healthy students with an insight into the world they live in.
For more information about the PSCHE programme of study please visit the PSCHE association websitehttps:
PSCHE and British Values
The notion of British Values is also incorporated within and embedded within the curriculum. The five part definition of British Values is:
- Democracy
- The rule of Law
- Individual liberty
- Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.
With these values in mind, we aim for students to leave Cecil Jones as well rounded individuals, promoting the very strong British values of respecting other students of different faiths and races. They are equipped to deal with life in modern Britain. This helps them to understand and responsibly manage a wide range of relationships as they get older and to show respect for diversity.
The concept of democracy is woven into the programme with elections being held for the Student Councils, Cabinet and the School Parliament with the students respecting the final decisions that are made. The most recent General Election and Brexit vote allowed the students to debate, argue and defend their positions with the realisation that the majority vote wins. The school council elects students through a democratic election in each tutor group.
In addition to the curriculum lessons we also have a busy schedule of assemblies, workshops, trips and activities that take place to enhance our student’s personal development whilst they are at The Cecil Jones Academy.
Learning Links
- BBC – Learning Zone Broadband Class
- BBC – Careers Toolbox
- BBC – Citizenship
- Channel 4 – PSCHE Interactive resources
- Channel 4 – Life Stuff Handz on
- Citizenship studies
- https://educateagainsthate.com/