

Year 10 internal assessments

June 17th 2022

In‌ternal assessments

Dear Year 10,
Please take time to read this internal assessments newsletter, as it provides you with instructions and guidance on what will be required during the internal assessments period from Tuesday 21st June—Friday 1st July.
Morning exams start at 9am sharp, therefore you must arrive at school by 8:45 to ensure you are settled and ready to start on time—Being late could result in you not being allowed to enter the exam. Please don’t be late for exams, get in the habit now of arriving on time.
Make sure you have NO unauthorised material/equipment on your person during the exam —This includes your phone, revision notes and your exam timetable. If you find something on your person which you have forgotten to hand in, hand it over to the invigilator immediately - it's too late once the exam has started, and this will be treated as malpractice which may result in you being disqualified and removed from the exam room.
If you need help you must put your hand up, and wait for the invigilator to come to you before you speak, do NOT turn around to see if they are coming. To prevent disruption please speak quietly.
EQUIPMENT—Students should bring the appropriate stationery to the exams including:
• Black ballpoint pens only (including spare pens)
• Rubber
• Pencils (including spare sharpened pencils)
• Ruler
• Protractor / compasses / Scientific Calculator (no cover)
All stationery should be kept in a see-through pencil case. It is your responsibility to provide and bring your equipment for each exam. The school has very limited spare equipment, so please do not rely on this being available.
Research shows that 66% of new knowledge is forgotten after 7 days , so REVISION IS KEY. Please use the revision tips and revision timetable that have been provided to you in tutor time (and posted on Google Classroom) to help structure your revision. Revision guides for each subject can also be found in the library.
Breakfast revision club will be running each morning to help ensure you are calm and ready to enter the exam with confidence. I will also be running a Monday lunchtime and Wednesday afternoon revision club, so please come along and make use of the quiet study space with the added bonus of teacher support!
We wish you the very best of luck throughout the next 2 weeks and know you will all do amazing if you try your very best!
Mrs Compton & Mrs Wardle

Int assess