

Year 9 Marine Engineering Workshop

October 12th 2021

After a very successful workshop at the end of last year we were lucky enough to welcome the Sea Cadets and Seafarers Marine Charity back for a two-day experience allowing the whole of our year 9 cohort to be involved.

Presenter Richard Asekunowo, from the Sea Cadets, gave the students an insight into marine engineering, what’s involved, what they do and the process in how to become one.

The students were totally engaged from the first minute with lots of interaction and very interesting questions.

After a couple of videos and a crash course in STEM they were then given the task of designing and building a craft that would not only float, but also carry as much cargo as possible. There were limited materials to work with as they built their vessel no bigger than 12cm x 10cm. Once it was built they first tested it on water to see if it floated. That was the easy part. The cargo was a bag of marbles which they loaded one by one onto their boats to sea how much it would carry before it eventually sunk.

The event was a total success with all the students enjoying the experience. The feedback from the students indicates it was not just lots of fun, but educational too. Their comments range from “an outstanding experience” to “enjoyable and informative.”