

Sixth Form Newsletter

July 12th 2023

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Year 12 students were given the opportunity of spending a day at the University of Essex, at the Colchester Campus. 

The day began with a Welcome talk from one the University subject leads, followed by a Marketing Taster session which showcased the creative side of all students and their ability to brand and market a product. This was a brilliant ice-breaker and lead to great amusement.

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Students were given a guided tour of the campus, including the accommodation, Sports arena and Business Centre; these tours were led by Student Ambassadors, giving year 12 and insight into student life.

On Wednesday, Year 12 enjoyed some down time and took part in a rewards event.  Student chose to play bingo!  Mrs Dudbridge entertained students with her performance as a Bingo caller!  The event was a great distraction from recent internal assessments with many students commenting this.

 “Bingo was fun, it was good to get together as a group and do some ‘fun stuff’.  He noted that, all worked students had worked hard to revise for internal assessments and really appreciated the reward event’

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On Thursday, year 12 students came together for an end of term assembly which was slightly earlier than usual as all students are going to complete work experience on the week commencing 17th July.

Many certificates were awarded for outstanding effort and achievement as well as 100% attendance and the Year Care Team award for displaying exceptional behaviour, determination and commitment to their studies.

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Other students showed off their talents when they played the guitar, delivered great impersonations and comedy sketches to amuse their fellow students.

Mrs Dudbridge gave a lovely good-bye speech wishing students a happy and safe summer, alongside reminding them of the importance of completing any work set by their teachers as well as researching Post 18 options.

We are immensely proud of our year 12 students who have tackled the daunting task of starting the UCAS application and personal statement.

All students have now submitted the first draft, therefore during the summer holidays, they students should be taking the opportunity to complete extra activities such as voluntary work or online courses, which they can then add to their application. Please support your child by reading through their first draft or giving them additional guidance where possible, as well as encouraging them to research courses and Post 18 options.

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The Sixth form team would like to wish all students and their families a safe and restful summer.